In Brazil and Florida, two ocean users are recovering after being injured by sharks.

Everton dos Reis Guimarães,32, is recovering from surgery after being bitten by a shark July 25 in water off Jaboatão dos Guararapes in the Recife metropolitan area of Brazil.
Guimarães entered the water near Little Church, where another man died after being attacked by a shark 15 days earlier. According to a witness, Guimarães had been warned at least 3 times not to enter the water, but went in around 12:20 p.m.. At the same time lifeguards were asking him to come back to the beach, a shark grabbed his left thigh and buttocks.
Lifeguards assisted Guimarães out of the water and administered first aid. He was taken to the Hospital da Aeronáutica before being transferred to Hospital da Restauração, and is listed in stable condition following surgery.
On July 10, Marcelo Rocha Santos, 51, was in water off Little Church when a shark severed his hand and removed a large section of his thigh. Unfortunately, he passed away from the injury.
The area has very murky water and several deep channels that bring larger, deep-water sharks through the area.
Shark bite reported off Patrick Space Force Base, Florida
Katie Wood, 35, was wading in thigh-high water July 22 around 12:20 p.m. when she felt a large fish swim between her legs. When she looked, she saw an estimated 4- to 5-foot-long shark, and immediately felt a pain in her foot.
She was able to make it back to the beach where she placed a towel on the wound and dialed 911. Military officers from the base came to help her, and Brevard County Fire Rescue transported her to Holmes Regional Medical Center.
Although doctors closed her wound, she may need surgery in the future. The event will not keep her from the water or change her plans to buy a van and visit every beach in Florida.
All locations have been marked on the 2021 Shark Attack Map.