Surfer bitten by shark in Florida

15-year-old-surfer bitten by shark in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

Hilton Mantooth,

Hilton Mantooth,15, was surfing around 11am today at New Smyrna Beach, Florida.  He was waiting for a wave with his toes dangling in the water about 100 yards from shore when a shark grabbed his right foot.

He was able to make it back to the beach under his own power.

“He has a severed tendon in the big toe and the concern is infection from a shark bite into the bone,” Mantooth’s mother, Julie Mantooth told

A second surfer, Kevin Ross was bitten 30 minutes later. An abundance of bait fish and choppy water could be a large factor in shark bites.

Click to see this and all 2014 shark bites/attack mapped out.

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