Two minor shark bites, one occurring in New Zealand and a second in Western Australia, have been reported.

An unnamed Auckland man, 61, was bitten by a shark Jan. 27 off North Island, New Zealand, when he was body surfing at Papamoa beach.
Around 8 p.m. he entered the water and dove under a wave. As he was gliding through the water, he felt something snap onto his arm. The force frightened him and, as he surfaced, he felt a rush of water as something swam away.
He looked down at his arm and saw several puncture marks beginning to bleed. Since he takes blood thinner medications, it only took a few seconds for his wound to bloody the water.
As he exited the water, he warned another man of the interaction and the two ushered nine people and some children out of the water. He attempted to alert authorities the next day.
After seeing his doctor, he was given a clean bill of health.
The incident follows a Jan. 7 fatal shark attack in the same region.
Kaelah Marlow, 19, was in waters about 30 miles north of Papamoa Beach Jan. 7, when she was killed by a shark. Visiting from Australia, she was swimming with friends when a rip current pulled her out past the surf line.
She was bitten on at least one leg by a shark. Rescue attempts were hindered by rough water, but eventually the teen was pulled from the water. A rescue helicopter and paramedics were dispatched to the scene, but cancelled after the young woman was declared dead.
Swimmer injured in Western Australia.
While swimming over a weedy area at Melaleuca Beach Jan. 29, a 46-year old woman was bitten what is believed to be a shark off Gracetown, Western Australia.
Paramedics arrived on scene before 10:30 a.m. and treated her before transporting her to Margaret River Hospital. Locals said they were told the woman had injured her leg or foot after tripping on some rocks, and it was possible she was bitten on the foot by a small wobbegong shark.
A shark warning sign was placed at the scene.
All locations have been marked on the 2021 Shark Attack map.