A second person has been killed in a shark attack in Plettenburg, South Africa.

Kimon “Kiki” Bisogno, 38, was on holiday Sept. 25 with her daughter Luna, 5, and love-of-her-life Diego Milesi.
Just before 8 a.m. Bisogno entered the water for an early morning swim. She was in waist-deep water 2 to 3 waves from the beach when a shark struck.
Witness reported hearing screams and turned to see Bisogno disappear under the waves. Surfers and other swimmers in the water quickly exited.
The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) was alerted, launched a recuse vessel and found her body about 50 yards from where she was attacked.
Initial reports indicate a 13-foot great white shark was responsible.
Bisogno was co-owner of a pizzeria with Milesi and volunteered with the Obs Pasta Kitchen that served homemade pasta to homeless people once a week.
She described the goal of the kitchen to “develop relationships with the needy and establish how we can help them, not just giving handouts but creating special bonds so ultimately there will be nobody at this pasta kitchen, it will just be a celebration of friends coming to re-meet.”
This is the second fatal shark attack in Plettenburg Bay this year.

Bruce Wolov was swimming in the Bay June 28 when a white shark attacked him.
The NSRI was alerted of the attack at 2 p.m.
“On arrival at the scene, the body of an adult male, believed to be a local, was recovered from the water from the back surf line onto an NSRI rescue craft,” the NSRI reported in a statement. “Sadly, the injuries sustained were fatal and the man was declared deceased by the doctor. Condolences are conveyed to the family of the deceased man.”
Shortly after the attacks, a large great white shark was filmed (see video above) swimming in the area.
Many heartfelt condolences were offered online for the father of two.
“Dear friends and family, it is with deep sadness that we shared the news that Bruce passed away today as a result of a shark incident in Plettenberg Bay. We will remember him as a loving husband, our dad, and friend who was taken from us far too soon, while doing what he was passionate about . . . we thank you for all your messages of support. Love the Wolovs.”
Both locations have been marked on the 2022 Shark Attack Map.