A paddle-border was bitten by a shark Sunday in New South Wales, Australia.
He was bitten on the left ankle by either a bull shark or small bronze whaler according to witness’.
Peter Forsyth was out surfing with his mate Danny Freeman around 7 a.m. at McKenzies Beach when they heard the man cry for help.
He believes the man was standing in waist-deep water about to jump back on his board when the bite occurred.
“He was only about 20 metres from the sand,” Forsyth told the Newcastle Herald “I thought he had been stung by a ray.
“As I got closer, I could see big bite marks and blood coming out of his leg. The shark grabbed him. He tried to kick it off with his other foot. It was latched onto him and he kicked it off.”
The pair pulled the patient into shore where they administered first aid using gaffers tape and a towel to stop the bleeding.
“They were quite deep perforations. It was quite nasty,” Forsyth said. Adding that the paddle-boarder “Was pretty tough” and the patient said, ‘well, that’s ruined my weekend’ before driving himself to the hospital for treatment.
The man was later released from the hospital.
Surfers returned back to the water about an hour later.
The patient did not want his name published.
Click here to see the location marked on the 2015 shark bites attack tracking map