Tiger Shark from George Frazier on Vimeo.
George Frazier got a nice surprise on a recent spearfishing trip.
The certified freediving instructor received a visit from a 12-foot tiger shark.

He was 28 miles off Beafort Inlet in North Carolina when he went down and shot a gag grouper. Mr. Frazier then moved the boat to a group of fish and was preparing to do another dive when he saw the sharks fin.
Luckily he had a GoPro, which he was able to attach to a pole and capture the tiger on film. The massive beauty even gave a test bite to the boats motor.
After seeing the shark, he decided it would be best to abort the rest of the dive. He posted on Beyond Freediving’s Facebook page, “This big Tiger Shark scared me out of the water Wednesday and then it tried to eat my boat, but not before I speared and boated a nice Gag Grouper. He took some paint off of that very large 300HP 4 stroke Yamaha outboard by the way.”
This is not the first time sharks have nibbled on motors. A great white shark bit one in New Zealand and another in the Gulf of Mexico.
The location has been marked on the 2015 shark attack bites map under interactions.
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