A beloved windsurfer lost his life in a shark attack in California. Felix Louis Njai, 52, was attending a wedding and, after the ceremony, decided to camp with around 15 others in Point Reyes.

The group hiked approximately six to seven miles to an area known as Wildcat Beach. On October 1, three members of the party chose to go for a swim. Njai was in chest to shoulder-high water, about 25 to 50 yards from shore when, at around 10:40 a.m., a reported great white shark breached the water and seized Njai’s head. Witnesses reported screams as he disappeared under the water, and several splashes were observed.
The U.S. Coast Guard initiated a search, which was called off approximately 22 hours later with no signs of the San Francisco resident found. Authorities noted that swimming is generally discouraged in the area due to rough water conditions.
Another Californian Injured by a Shark in Mexico:
Valerie Haurovitz, a 52-year-old, was swimming at around 9:15 a.m. on December 15 when she was bitten by what is believed to be a shark. Mexican Red Cross workers from Zihuatanejo reported that the Los Angeles resident suffered shark bites at Playa Quinta. She was transferred to the Rey Clinic with multiple lacerations thought to be caused by a shark.
Approximately five minutes later, a man swimming began calling for help.
Video shows Joseph Louis Binens being attacked in the water. He was pulled to shore where rescuers reported his leg had been severed and was pronounced dead on the beach. There is some confusion as to whether a shark was involved. Crocodiles have been seen in the are before, but it could be considered odd to have a crocodile and shark attack on the same beach with-in minutes of each other.
All locations are marked on the 2023 Shark Attack Map.