Shark bite victim Dylan Fugitt says bite was not the sharks fault.
Dylan Fuggit was surfing with his brother at Santa Lucea Beach on South Hutchinson Island, Florida, when he accidentally kicked a shark.
“This wasn’t anything like that. I just jumped right next to it or right on it, I don’t know,” Dylan Fugitt told CBS12. “I think I just landed in its bubble really. He was in one spot and I just kind of jumped right next to him and tried to jump back on my board and caught his, his mouth on my foot.”
“I looked at my foot real quick and could definitely see the damage so I definitely knew it was a shark,” Dylan said, “I kind of just dropped down and tried to jump back up and must have just kicked it as it was swimming to me and then he just chomped and turned his head I I pulled my foot out at the same time.
“I am very thankful I still have my toes. They are still there. I got all feeling and some stitches, but its just bad because it went on the inside of my toes.
“Nothing you really can do. Its just an accident. I will try not to put my foot in a sharks mouth anymore. Ha!

“You see them whenever you are out there. You them in clear water. You can’t see them in the white wash and that’s where they usually get mixed up and they just tag you.
“This time I don’t feel like it was an attack as much as an accident. I feel like it was an accident,”he said.
The event will not keep him out of the water once he is healed up in about 3 weeks.