A massive tiger shark has been caught off the coast of Australia by a fisherman named Matthew.
The 13ft tiger shark apparently swallowed a six foot hammerhead before it was caught.
Matthew told The Northern Star “”I was fighting the Hammerhead and he came up and swallowed it.”
Related: 800lbs tiger shark caught of South Carolina.
The shark was landed about three weeks ago and is now adding fuel to the debate on a limited shark cull in Australia.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday “Surfers on the NSW North Coast have overwhelmingly voted for a partial cull of sharks following an unprecedented number of attacks and sightings along the world-famous coastline.”
The New South Wales coast has been in the news due to the Mick Fanning live shark footage and several attack bites.
With the increased attention, less people are visiting the beach which is having a severe impact on the local community.
So what are your thoughts? Should the sharks be culled?
This is deplorable!! Sharks should not be culled! People have to cause to complain, we’re invading their space. Maybe people should be more respectful of the ocean and its inhabitants.